Choto Sonamasjid of "Goad".
(Estd.: 1493-1519 Era.) †mvbvgmwR`
MŠ‡oi †QvU †mvbvgmwR`
(wbg©vYKvj t 1493-1519 wLª÷vã)
Details at Historical Place
Majar of Birsrestho Shahid Capten Mohiuddin Jahangir
At the Sonamasjid compound knx`
K¨v‡Þb gwnDÏxb Rvnv½x‡ii
†mvbvgmwR` cÖv½‡Y Aew¯’Z
Details at Historical Place

Gono Kobor
Grave of freedom fighter MYKei
gyw³hy‡×i MYKei |
Dars Bari :
GwU GKwU gv`ªvmv wQj e‡j
Abygvb Kiv nq


TohaKhana Mosjid :
†ZvnvLvbv gmwR`
Tradition |

Mangoes at the tree
Avg |
Blossoming Mango Tree
gyKzj fiv AvgMvQ

Pots of Kasa-Pitol
Kuvmv-wcZ‡ji ˆZix cvÎ

Events |
Mango Fair 2008 : A portion of the Fair
Avg †gjv 2008 : †gjvi
Mango Fair 2008 : A stall of the Fair
Avg †gjv 2008 : †gjvi
GKvwU ÷j
A cultural function arranged at 29 Aug 2008.
A rising singer named "Eiti" is ill.
She is suffering for C Virus (Cancer). Need lots
of amount for het treatment.
To collect fund for her treatment a cultural function
has arranged at 29 august 2008.
Peoples were invited by this poster to the function
and anyone also can donate to "Savings Account
No. 22442 Islami Bank, Chapai Nawabganj Branch"
help her.
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